Can't turn it off....

my brain that is. It really is amazing what summer time does to my brain. It's cruel really. I start off totally ready to turn everything off and just re-boot. And I have done that better this summer than any I can remember. But as always, around the end of July, it comes back in a mean way. And by 'it' I mean the can't sleep, can't turn off the thinking, super thinking, planning over drive mode.... and just a few days ago it began. 

I mean sure, I spent a few days in Austin getting google-y but other than that this summer has been pure relaxation. Lots of down time with the kids, by the pool, reading for fun, enjoying my family and I enjoyed every minute of it. 

But I truly live for the beginning of the school year. I always have. I love getting the fresh start year after year. I love new pencils and planners and organizing stuff. And this year my brain is in super overdrive preparing for a new position in a new district. 

I don't know why but the ideas seem to start flowing right around bed time. So I spend half the night on the computer trying to get all my ideas down and working on crazy projects, afraid that if I don't do it at this very second then the idea will leave me forever. Please tell me I am not the only crazy person who suffers from this condition.


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